- a [[person]]. - [[product strategy]] [[gamification]] - [[go]] https://robhaisfield.com/about - [[twitter]] https://twitter.com/RobertHaisfield - [[garden]] https://robhaisfield.com/notes/writing-in-hypertext - https://twitter.com/RobertHaisfield/status/1407694191329615878 ## [[2021-09-28]] - [[thegraph]] thegraph.com - information on the blockchain - [[graphql schemas]] - [[grt token]] - consult with products w.r.t. strategy / gamification - people often don't use products the "right" way -- they haven't been told what to use a product to - focused on [[intention behavior gap]] - for example [[twitter]] could have been designed to disincentivize e.g. misinformation and incentivize other behavoirs - [[tristan harris]] - admiration for what he's doing - no such thing as a neutral design - [[misaligned incentives]] - [[guided track]] - one of rob's favourite jobs - imagine a domain specific language for building forms - [[learnable programming]] - could [[outliner]] mode influence people towards other ways of thinking? e.g. divergent thinking - how to push people towards [[synthesis]]? - academic background in [[behavioral economics]] - [[agora]] - how do you get the people that are asking the people that are asking X in the same room together, if they are not using the same words? - relationships between people - [[social functions]] - arguments for one: claim, multiple participants - [[node club]] - [[stoa]] - [[meca]] - is there a term for this? there probably is :) - [[user involvement]] is what rob uses - [[prioritization]] - [[curation]] - [[moderation]] - [[knovigator]] does [[quadratic voting]] - [[synthesis]] - [[convergence]] - [[integration]] ## Next - [[knovigator]] - [[intentional programming]] - [[data structures]] - [[limits of outliner mode]] - [[what sort of structure are people implicitly putting into their notes]] - [[markdown query]] - [[tree query]]